Web Design Portfolio
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Boost your website's traffic with on-page SEO and digital marketing campaigns.
This collection is a partial list of my web design work. Since all sites are not the same, the goal is to have a variety of projects ranging from very beautiful layouts that are heavy on the graphic design, to a website based on pure function, and even strictly eCommerce websites.
Some of the items in the portfolio are screenshots only. The reason is that although I believe the work I have done is nice, you can’t always predict the longevity of a site. So, sometimes businesses fail and sites are shutdown so you can’t see the live version. Other times, owners move their websites to different web hosts and my work is lost! And – the worst of the worst – sometimes website owners make changes to my work and it does not resemble what I originally created 😢. So that is why there may be screenshots in my portfolio.
A few of the sample websites I have listed may be a demo version of the site. This is the website design in its purest form and will not be lost due to reasons I can’t control (companies shutting down, content changes, etc.).